Qatar Papers”…reveals the scandals of the Qatar Charity Foundation in Europe

The book reveals how Qatar finances Tariq Ramadan,
the grandson of Hasan al-Banna.
Confidential documents reveal the amount of money
spent by the suspicious Foundation to finance Islamic organizations in Europe
The French and European libraries have published a
new book entitled “Qatar Papers” written by the French journalists Christian
Chesnot and Georges Malbrunot.
The two journalists Christian Chesnot (France Inter)
and Georges Malbrunot (Le Figaro) have got their hands on the detailed accounts
of a Qatari NGO, Qatar Charity, whose mission is to help Muslim communities on
Their book, "Qatar Papers", which is
teeming with accounting documents, lists countless projects on French soil
(mosques, schools, associations, etc.) directly financed by this NGO linked to
the Emir.
The book finally reveals the emoluments of Tariq
Ramadan. According to Chesnot and Malbrunot, the Islamologist received as much
as 35,000 euros a month from the Qatar Foundation as a consultant. And in early
2018, Tariq Ramadan had also received 19,000 euros from the League of Muslims
in Switzerland, while he was going to be indicted and incarcerated for ten
It’s worth to mention that Ramadan has been accused
in a number of rape cases.
Many secrets are revealed for the first time in this
new book published by Michelle Lafon publishing house, which presents the
summary of a field investigation conducted in six European cities and more than
12 cities in France.
The book also
reveals the language of the dual discourse that takes place in centers and
schools funded by this suspicious organization where most of these associations
and organizations.
The book highlights the scenes of what is going on
in this suspicious society, which enjoys great funding and the great potential
provided by Qatar, especially that it includes members of Al Thani family,
which rule Qatar.
This book comes at a crucial moment in which
external interference is revealed to influence Islam in France The time when
French President Emmanuel Macaron is trying to reorganize his papers and
According to the documents they obtained, spending
on building mosques and Islamic centers in Europe in 2014 amounted to 72
million euros, with 113 projects in 40 cities.
Italy came first in terms of the value of financing,
which amounted to about 23 million euros, for the construction of 45 projects,
with a total value of 50 million euros, meaning Qatar contributed about 45% of
the cost of construction.
The second country was France, with a total cost of
about 101 million euros, to cover 15 projects, of which Qatar spent 14% or 15
million euros, and the United Kingdom paid Qatar for Brotherhood projects
within 4 million euros.
As for Spain, it cost Qatar 7 million euros, with a
contribution of 55% of the total value of the projects, while Germany was one
of the countries most funded by Qatar, and it bore about 92% of the total cost
of the projects at about 5 million and 100,000 euros.
Eastern Europe
The book adds, that Eastern Europe is one of the new
areas that Qatar Charity Foundation has taken care of. Through an official
document that reached the author, dating back to October 2012, the Charitable
Foundation for Brotherhood projects in Poland paid about 200 thousand euros.
The danger of the group’s incursion in eastern
Europe lies in the security and political weakness in the region, which at the
same time allowed Iran to expand inside it, which portends a radical radical
network woven into the region with its intertwined relations and colonial
Soft areas and separatist movements
The separatist movements play a dangerous role in
preparing the country to attract terrorist groups, because of the turbulent
environment they provide, which allows the circulation of weapons and the
growth of clandestine action. Therefore, Qatar deals with Barcelona in Spain as
a focal point to penetrate it into the region.
Through a document dating back to October 2012,
Qatar Charity used its funds to spend 133,000 euros on the Islamic Union for
Dialogue in the Catalonia region, seeking to secede from the central government
in Madrid.
The Foundation claims to obtain funds from donations
and zakat that citizens pay, but the documents reveal that the Qatari
authorities and the various ministries are the primary source of funding for
the Foundation, and it is documented with financial transfers, which came out
of the Court of Prince Tamim bin Hamad, the ruler of Qatar; which means that
cash flows from the Foundation to Brotherhood societies in Europe is just
political money serving an expansionist agenda. In April 2016, Qatar paid Al
Ghaith's campaign to finance the Brotherhood in Europe, about 30 million euros.