Brotherhood penetration of Europe dangerous, exudes extremist generations

The Brotherhood seeks to spread globally, especially in
Europe, to search for new incubators. Through a dualistic discourse, it has
penetrated European circles through the use of slogans calling for democracy
and peaceful coexistence among the various stratum of society, while in Arab
and Islamic countries it uses a discourse of "I" and exploits
Islamophobia as a weapon to influence its opponents and attract more supporters
to its ranks.
Brotherhood activity spread within Europe in an attempt to
pressure European decision-makers to fulfill the group's demands. It has
cultivated an even more dangerous generation, whose aim is to spread the
group’s extremist ideas to the new generations by employing its extremist
methods in some institutions.
The Brotherhood threat is spread throughout Europe, as the
group has centers in major countries such as Britain, Germany and Italy, in
addition to periodic and annual conferences and meetings, which are organized
to attract more than 170,000 visitors, tickling the feelings of Muslims through
repeated political and religious seminars that favor the terrorist
In Britain, Brotherhood leaders completely took control of
13 organizations and associations in London alone, including Essam al-Haddad,
Ibrahim Munir, and Ibrahim el-Zayat, who previously headed the Islamic
Community of Germany (IGD), in addition to Forum Of European Muslim Youth And
Student Organizations (FEMYSO), a network of 42 organizations bringing together
young people from more than 26 countries that also has connections with the
European Parliament.
Within Germany, the Office for the Protection of the
Constitution (BfV) monitored a noticeable increase in the Brotherhood’s
influence within the eastern state of Saxony. The head of the intelligence
service in Saxony, Gordian Meyer-Plath, announced that the Brotherhood has taken
advantage of cultural organizations to exploit the lack of places of worship
for Muslims who came to Saxony as refugees, seeking to expand the group’s infrastructure
and spread its view of political Islamism. It has also extensively bought
buildings to establish mosques or centers for Muslims, especially in the cities
of Leipzig, Riesa, Meissen, Pirna, Dresden, Bautzen and Görlitz.
In Italy, the Brotherhood's presence by controlling places
of worship relies on Qatari funding, as Qatar funded about 140 mosques and
Islamic centers in Europe at a value of €71 million, most of which are
concentrated in Italy.
The Brotherhood realized that control of Europe lays in controlling
the central Islamic councils, which enables them to put political pressure on
Western governments from multiple directions, since the central Islamic councils
have influence over a large sector of Muslim communities in Europe, most
notably the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR), the Central Council
of Muslims in Germany (ZMD), the Islamic Council in Berlin, the Islamic Center of
Munich, And the Supreme Council for Muslim Youth, the Muslim Council of Britain
(MCB), the Union of Islamic Organizations in France (UOIF), and the Union of
Islamic Communities in Italy (UCOII), among others.
More dangerous generation
The French magazine Closer has warned against a new, more
dangerous generation of the Brotherhood in Europe carrying the group’s extremist
ideas, as evidenced by the inflammatory statements of terrorist mufti Yusuf
al-Qaradawi, who repeatedly defends and justifies suicide attacks and violence
against women. Although Qaradawi has withdrawn from leading some of these
institutions, a new group of terrorist thinkers have received the torch from
him and follow in his footsteps and teachings.
Under the headline “Brotherhood Organization in Europe: Most
Dangerous Minority,” the magazine said, “The Brotherhood organization, founded
in 1928 and banned in many countries, is currently introducing a new generation
and grandchildren and developing its advocacy strategy throughout Europe.” It
noted that the stated goal of the group’s conferences is to teach the young
generation how to express the message and spirit of Islam in the Western world.
But in reality, this is an invitation to join the terrorist organization and
embrace its ideology. The magazine considered that the Brotherhood is a
minority that provokes sedition and spreads its toxins in Europe with Qatari