Sultans of blood: Safiye, the killer of Ottoman princes (Part 3)

Safyea Khatoun succeeded in registering her name in history
as one of the most powerful and bloody women in the history of the Ottoman
Empire. She sent death to everyone who thought of taking her place, but death
slipped in inadvertently to her son, Sultan Mehmed III, who broke her spine and
sentenced her to isolation.
Safiye’s crimes did not stop at killing Sultan Murad’s
mother Nurbanu by poisoning her food or inciting the killing of Grand Vizier Sokollu
Mehmed Pasha, who was Nurbanu’s right-hand man, as she also supervised the
killing of all the other male children of her husband Sultan Murad III before
he died in order to protect the throne for her son, Mehmed III. She ordered
that they be placed in coffins to be buried with their father on January 19,
Sultana Safiye was born in Venice to its ruler in 1550. She
was sold at the age of thirteen as a captive in the slave market in Istanbul.
Sultana Hümaşah, the granddaughter of Suleiman the Magnificent, bought her and
gave her to Crown Prince Murad, son of Sultan Selim II.
Soon, Safiye stole Murad's heart until she prevented him
from taking other concubines in his bed. On May 26, 1566, she gave birth to his
first son, Prince Mehmed. Immediately after Murad III assumed the Ottoman
throne, he ordered her release and announced his marriage to her, so that her
position in the Ottoman protocol rose from a mere maid to the mother of the crown
prince, meaning that she then ranked third inside the harem after Sultana
Nurbanu and the sultan’s sister Sultana Asmat.
The death of Nurbanu and the assassination of Grand Vizier Sokollu
in the year 1579 completely cleared the way for Safiye to take her role as a
sultana with unlimited influence in the court of her husband, Sultan Murad III.
The weakness of the latter's personality enabled his mother and then his
concubine to control him, as he was affected by his love of luxury and sitting
with singers and clowns, unconcerned with matters of state and politics.
When Murad III died in 1595, Safiye placed her son, Mehmed
III, on the throne after she had executed all his male brothers, who numbered
18. Following this heinous crime, Safiye was granted the title of the
mother-sultan, with doubled influence and power over her son, Sultan Mehmed
III, who turned into a puppet in her hands. Safiye then gained control over
appointing or isolating the grand viziers, ministers, aghas and judges.
In order to ensure the elimination of any future competition
by male princes in the palace, Safiye invented new heresies from her evil rope
of ideas, as she abolished the old laws on which princes were appointed in the
various states to train them in politics and war, replacing them with a new law
under which males of the Ottoman family were locked inside wings within the
harem, isolated from the world. This left severe effects on the future Ottoman sultans,
as all of them came out of those cages suffering from psychological disorders
as a result of the loneliness in which they lived.
The Sultana was interested in fixing her support at home and
turned her back to the outside, so the Ottoman Empire suffered crushing
military defeats. The Safavid state in Iran regained its strength and achieved
tremendous successes in Iraq, while Austria boldly attacked the Ottoman borders
in the Balkans, achieving great victories after chaos hit the Ottoman family
and the army divisions entered into internal struggles, with the Sipahi corps against
the Janissaries, and the governors against each other.
The Janissary divisions revolted and attacked Topkabi Palace.
The weak Sultan was unable to pay the rebellious soldiers, but Safiye quickly
regained the reins to save the throne and told the leaders of the Janissaries
that the sultan would pay their salaries with an increase if they killed the
minister who wanted to pull the rug out from under her feet.
Safiye continued her life until the death of her son Mehmed
III in the year 1603. When Mehmed’s son, Sultan Ahmed I, succeeded him, the
latter ordered Safiye to be transferred to the old palace, and Sultan Ahmed's
mother, Sultana handan, became the mother-sultan. But Handan’s weakness enabled
Safiye to continue her influence in Ottoman affairs, until a new maid appeared
who had the strength of character that enabled her to finally reduce Safiye’s
influence in 1619, ushering in a new era in which Sultana Kosem became the most
powerful woman to rule the destiny of the Ottoman Empire, with a full forty
years of influence.