Jaish al-Adl fuels Iran's worries

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards killed on Friday Hashem Nakry, top
militant of Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice), near Pakistan's border as part of
ongoing fighting against Baluchestan's army. Jaish al-Adl admitted the death of
Nakry, but vowed to continue jihad against the Iranian regime.
Jaish al-Adl is a Sunni organization from Baluchestan. Iran's
regime persecutes roughly 5 million Sunni Baluch people, according to Khaleejonline
web site.
Jaish al-Adl was one of the organizations that emerged to struggle against
the Iranian regime. The militant group was found in 2012 by Salahuddin Farooqui. The Army of Justice,
or Jaish al-Adl, introduces itself as a jihadi movement in the Sistan-Baluchestan
Farooqui told Al-Arabiya earlier that Jaish al-Adl seeks to
establish federacy in Iran.
The organization is led by two persons: Farooqui and Mullah Omar
Darakhshan. It comprises of 4 battalions. It has light weapons, grenades and
Iran has been terrible worried sine the organization was set up in
2012. Jaish al-Adl targets members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and
other Iranian officials.
On Oct. 17, 2013, Jaish al-Adl attacked the Iranian army and killed
14 of Iran's troops. It dropped an Iranian chopper on November 26, 2013. On
February 9, 2014, Jaish al-Adl kidnapped 5 Iranian soldiers.
In June 2017, Jaish al-Adl killed 11 of Iranian army personnel. On
April 16, 2018, Jaish al-Adl claimed responsibility for killing 15 of Iranian Revolutionary
The Iranian authorities designated Jaish al-Adl as a terrorist
"The presence of militant groups is a natural reaction to Iran's
terrorist attitude and persecution of minorities," Aref al-Kaaby, head of
Ahvaz' executive committee to restore legitimacy in Ahvaz, told THE REREFENCE.
"The Baluch people suffer
from marginalization and discrimination. The Iranian regime accuses Kurds,
Ahvazis and Baluchs of being takfiris and terrorists. It is natural that
militant groups emerge in such provinces where discrimination is
dominant," he said.