Issued by CEMO Center - Paris
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Extremism declining in Europe in 2021

Sunday 19/December/2021 - 04:30 PM
The Reference
Mahmud al-Batakoshi

Europe was the scene of a series of terrorist operations in 2021.

Most of these operations were carried out by either the Islamic State group or the far right.

These operations came, even as European states intensified their security strategies in the face of potential terrorist attacks.

European governments stepped up their measures to put a lid on terrorist threats, including by enhancing their security structure, beefing up security everywhere and increasing cyber security.

In Germany, a stabbing incident occurred on a train in the state of Bavaria, southeastern Germany.

The attack left three people injured. It was carried out on November 6 by a Syrian refugee suffering from mental disorders.

A month earlier, three people were killed and six others wounded in varying degrees in another attack in the southern German city of Würzburg.

This attack was carried out by a Somali national who carried a blunt weapon.

Meanwhile, the German Ministry of the Interior said Muslims and Muslim houses of worship were the target of 212 attacks by far-right extremists during 2021.

The number of far-right followers in Germany increased by 3.8% during that year, the ministry said.

It estimated the number of these followers at 33,300.

However, Germany makes strenuous efforts to bring down the rate of violence across it and these efforts are paying off.

German authorities have already placed some organizations and associations under surveillance.

It also banned some other organizations in its bid to fight crime and violence.

The German intelligence also succeeded in eradicating some extremist cells before they embarked on terrorist operations.

Security services launched campaigns and raids against mosques, organizations and centers affiliated with Islamist groups in Germany.

The German parliament has, meanwhile, issued recommendations and legislation to undermine political Islam.

This came after the discovery of a plan by the Muslim Brotherhood to spread its extremist ideology among junior German citizens.
