Issued by CEMO Center - Paris
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Right-Wing Extremism in Germany: Unrest in Bavaria

Sunday 05/November/2023 - 11:09 PM
The Reference

Germany has witnessed a notable rise in the popularity of right-wing extremism in recent years, with these ideologies becoming more prevalent in German society. Extreme right-wing movements and organizations have become more active.


Several factors contribute to the surge of right-wing extremism in Germany. One key factor is the fear of refugees. After the influx of refugees into Europe in 2015, concerns about the impact of this wave on German society escalated, leading to increased support for extreme right-wing ideas that advocate for immigration reduction.


Furthermore, like many other European countries, Germany is grappling with an economic crisis, which has led to increased unemployment and poverty. This has contributed to frustration and a sense of disillusionment among some citizens, making them more susceptible to extreme right-wing ideas that promise magical solutions to their problems.


Some German politicians have played a role in spreading extreme right-wing ideas by using inflammatory rhetoric against refugees and immigrants, intensifying social tensions.


Prominent Extremist Groups


The state of Bavaria has been grappling with the spread of extremist groups, with the most prominent being the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. AfD is a far-right political party founded in 2013, advocating for reduced immigration, the promotion of German identity, and opposition to globalization.


The New Right Nationalists movement, founded in 1964, seeks to revive Nazism and promotes hatred towards foreigners.


The "Citizens of the Reich" group, an extremist right-wing organization established in 2019, calls for the overthrow of German democratic institutions and the establishment of a German nationalist state.


The German government has been taking measures to counter the rise of right-wing extremism, including banning extremist groups. The German government has banned several extremist groups, including the New Right Nationalists and the "Citizens of the Reich."


The government has also intensified monitoring of political rhetoric, aiming to prevent the spread of extreme right-wing ideas. It has also enhanced awareness programs against extremism to help citizens understand the dangers of such ideologies.


Despite these efforts, the rise of right-wing extremism in Germany remains a significant challenge for the German government and German society at large. Therefore, the German government is working to strengthen values of tolerance and diversity within German society by supporting educational and training programs that focus on promoting these values.


Stringent Government Measures


In 2023, the German Parliament banned the "Lateral Thinking" movement, an extremist group that promotes conspiracy theories about the coronavirus and the war in Ukraine. In 2022, the German government launched a national awareness campaign against extremism, targeting young people in particular.


In 2021, the German government established a new office to combat extremism, aiming to enhance cooperation between various government bodies and civil society in this regard.


It is expected that the German government will continue to take additional measures to address the rise of right-wing extremism as part of its efforts to promote tolerance and diversity in German society.
