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Exclusive for "The Reference": Zambian National Prosecutor’s Office Clears Egyptian Citizens, Convicts Zambian and Others

Monday 09/September/2024 - 01:37 PM
The Reference

In a significant judicial development, "The Reference" has obtained an exclusive court document from the National Prosecutor’s Office in Zambia. This document reveals that an official charge has been brought against Zambian citizen Cedric Kasanda and a group of other Zambian defendants. This decision follows extensive investigations conducted by Zambian authorities into a fraud case that has captured both local and international attention.

The prosecution's decision confirms that Egyptian national Mr. Michael Adel Michel Boutros and his associates were victims of an organized armed robbery perpetrated by Cedric Kasanda and his accomplices.

The prosecution acknowledged that Mr. Boutros and his fellow Egyptians were not involved in the alleged crimes but were instead duped and defrauded by Kasanda and his partners.

According to the decision, the Zambian Public Prosecutor’s Office has committed to not prosecuting Mr. Michael Boutros or restricting his travel to and from the country. This decision strengthens Mr. Boutros's position in the controversial case.

The Reference publishes this official document in both English and Arabic, reaffirming its commitment to neutrality and respect for the truth. The site previously reported on the accusations against Mr. Michael Adel Michel Boutros and others based on Zambian investigative decisions and continues to cover the case with the same objectivity and impartiality in presenting the final verdict.

The case began when a private jet carrying Egyptian businessmen, including Mr. Michael Adel Michel Boutros, was detained in Zambia. Initial charges against these Egyptians involved money laundering and conspiracy to commit financial crimes. As media coverage and pressure on the Zambian government increased, calls for a transparent and thorough investigation into the case grew.

Following in-depth investigations, Zambian authorities concluded that Mr. Boutros and his associates were victims of a meticulously planned fraud executed by Cedric Kasanda and his co-conspirators, who exploited the trust placed in them for illicit gains.


The document is available for donwload using subscriptions only
