Issued by CEMO Center - Paris
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Ali: Egyptians fought Brotherhood on behalf of the world

Wednesday 19/December/2018 - 11:33 AM
The Reference

Director of the Middle East Center for Studies in Paris, Abdelrahim Ali, said Wednesday that the Muslim Brotherhood posed an ideological; political; national and human danger to Egypt.

He added at a conference in French capital Paris on similarities and differences between the yellow vest protests in France and the Arab Spring protests in the Arab world that the Islamist movement had a dream of dominating the world on the road to establishing its own caliphate.

It wanted, he said, to make Egypt the cornerstone of this aspired caliphate.

Ali added that the Muslim Brotherhood’s danger would have reached Europe, if the group had succeeded in controlling Egypt.

“The war against this movement must keep going on,” Ali said. “The Egyptian people had offered great help to the world by starting the crackdown on this movement,” he added.

Ali noted that in fighting the Muslim Brotherhood, the Egyptian people did this on behalf of the rest of the world.
