Issued by CEMO Center - Paris
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Pierre Branda: Egypt caused Bonaparte reputation

Monday 24/June/2019 - 11:11 AM
The Reference


Pierre Branda, the historian and specialist in the French empire, touched upon the good relation between Egypt and France since Napoleon Bonaparte.


“France was willing to prevent England from entering the red sea.. Bonaparte was haunted by the ego of greatness” he added.

Bonaparte cared much about Islam and wrote that Mohamed is the prophet of god” he went on.


“The campaign of Bonaparte continued for less than two years…nevertheless it gave the French empire wide reputation” he concluded.


The seminar focuses on cooperation between Europe and non-European Mediterranean states, including Egypt, in the fight against terrorism; illegal immigration; education, and water.


The seminar is held on the sidelines of the Two Mediterranean Banks summit which is held in Marseilles on June 23 and 24.

CEMO takes the opportunity of the summit to open discussion on the issues that cause problems between countries on the two banks of the Mediterranean.


Apart from the Arab-Israeli conflict, which stands behind most of the violence in our world today, the Arab Spring came to wreak disaster on the world and widen the scope of problems in it. 

