Issued by CEMO Center - Paris
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Ali calls for common dialogue between East and West on human rights

Wednesday 20/February/2019 - 11:32 AM
The Reference

Member of the House of Deputies, the Chairman of the Center for Middle East Studies in Paris (CEMO) and the Board Chairman of al-Bawaba News Abdel Rahim Ali highlighted Wednesday differences between human rights conditions in the Middle East region and in the European continent.

He added at a seminar on human rights in French capital Paris that social traditions in the Middle East controlled people's view of some of the rights given to people in the West.

He called for dialogue between Middle Easterners and Westerners with the aim of reaching common ground where there will be respect for the cultural peculiarities of all peoples.

Ali noted that he got the idea for organizing the seminar as he watched a press briefing following talks between Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and French President Emmanuel Macron in Cairo.

Macron, he said, talked about the status of human rights in Egypt.

He referred to Sisi's assertion that Westerners needed to view people in the Middle East from a Middle Eastern angle, not from a Western angle.

Titled "Human Rights at the Time of War on Terrorism and Social Crises: Between Idealism and Realism", the seminar is moderated by Ahmed Youssef, CEMO's executive director.

Speaking at the seminar – apart from Ali – will be General Robert Pryce, the former commander of French troops in Yugoslavia, the former director of the Anfalid military museum, and the current president of the Napoleon Foundation.

Gilbert Sinuet, a French journalist and writer who accompanied French President Emmanuel Macaron during his latest visit to Egypt, will also speak at the seminar, along with Roland Lombardi from the French National Institute for Studies and Research of the Islamic and Arab Worlds.
