Ali: Erdogan's caliphate dream crashed down in Egypt
Director of the Middle East Center for Studies in Paris (CEMO), Abdel Rahim Ali, said Friday that plans were made in Turkey for controlling Egypt and subsuming it under the aspired caliphate of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Turkish businessmen, he said, flocked into
Egypt after 2011, in preparation for a promising future.
added at a seminar by CEMO
in Paris, titled "Turkish foreign policies and their disastrous
consequences on Europe", that the dreams of the Brotherhood
evaporated, one year after Mohamed Morsi came to power in Egypt with Egyptians
rising up against him.
The Egyptian army took sides with the
people, which brought an end to the Muslim Brotherhood rule of Egypt, he said.
the seminar was a large host of researchers and experts. They included Ahmed
Youssef Executive Director of CEMO, Roland Lombardi, Joachim Veliocas, Pierre
Berthelot, Garen Shnorhokian. Several Middle East specialists from Europe also
attended the seminar, along with a large number of Arab and French journalists.